Wednesday, May 20, 2009

If the spirit moves ya, let me groove ya good

I feel like this big burden just got lifted off my shoulders. Okay so back to my life!

Omg, funny thing happened to me today. As I was getting out of the car to go to night school, I totally forgot I had loose notes in my binder. And yes, it was very windy and all my notes just fell out and scattered everywhere! Can you imagine picking all those sheets up on your own as it flies all over the place. Luckily there was people around that were nice enough to help me pick up my notes. Mind you I had like 50 pages worth of notes lol. Ha fml! But hey being nice to others really does pay off!

My cousin called me today during my exam lol. It was such a surprise, I mean I miss him so much coz we were so tight back then. We went through our teenage years without each other and it bums me out. Too bad I didn't get to answer his call though, I tried calling him back but I just got his voicemail.

So I ordered a bunch of things from Mark by Avon. I owe this lady at work about $100+ and my package comes in tomorrow. The thing is I get paid tomorrow! I hope she doesn't mind that I give her money on Friday. But what the hell did I buy from this magalog? I heard the brand is pretty good but pricey. It's cool though, you get what you pay for. Quality over quantity, always.


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